並び替え: 日時, 評価, 人気数

乱交 - 47 (並び替え: 評価)

3P, 4P

Curse of the Night Stalker

You play as Valtier, a hunter and forager in a peaceful village. On a regular hunt, he gets bit by a snake that has vampire-like abilities. This leads to Valtier developing symptoms of vampirism, including heightened bloodlust and sexual desire. These feelings affect his interactions with others even as he tries to lead a normal life. Your goal is to help Valtier manage his daily life, make sure he has supplies, and avoid suspicion. You'll also have to decide if you want to resist your vampire nature to protect women around you, or give in to the desires and possibly corrupt them. Depending on your choices, the women could become your lovers willingly, or just serve you sexually.

21.6K 2 RenpyRen'Py

A Femdom Adventure [v 0.03]

あなたはエリックといい、世界中を旅することを夢見ています。しかし、世界には他にやるべきことがたくさんあり目標までの道は遠いです。村を歩き回りクエストを受け、他のキャラと会話し、セックスシーンに到達します。 それらの多くは足フェチに関連しています。

380K 36 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Lust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


Lust and Power [v 0.68]

この物語は、びっくりするような奇妙な出来事、危険な生物、強力な敵や味方、セクシーな女の子などでいっぱいです。 あなたは親族から受け継いだ屋敷に住む男のです。 もちろん、この家では不思議なことが起こり、途中でさまざまな生き物に遭遇します。

1M 140 RenpyRen'Py

Final Spell [v 0.30]


148.9K 30 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Fallen Bride Mege

ついにメゲはリックと結婚をします。 リックは子供の頃から彼女に恋をしていました。二人はとても幸せそうで、すべてが順調に進んでいるようです。 しかし、リックの突然の解雇は彼らの平穏な生活を混乱させます。 メゲは問題を解決することを決意し、多くの人に会います。 彼女の人生のすべてが変わり、リックとの生活は終わりを迎えようとしています。 次に何が起こるかを調べてください。

274.5K 42 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Hentai Pussy Gallery


512.2K 54 FlashFlash

Isekai Awakening [v 1.22.5]

あなたは街中の女性全員の解毒を手伝うために召喚されました。 すべての女性は「病気」に感染しており、男性の住民はすべて逃げ出しました。 女王と王女は、手ごわい王に奴隷にされました。 邪悪な乙女と戦い、この町のすべての女の子とセックスして、恐ろしい病気を治す新しい王になりましょう。 ゲームを始める前に、トレーニングを受けることをお勧めします。

353.9K 44 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Farmer's Dreams [v R22]


1.9M 420 RPG MakerRPG Maker

The Synthetic [Ep. 4]


140.6K 17 RenpyRen'Py

Time for You [v 0.26.0]

あなたの目標は、祖父母が15年前に失踪した理由を解明することです。誰と関係を築き、逆に誰と関係を持たないかを決めましょう。このゲームではゲーム中にいくつかのエラーが発生することに注意してください。 下部にある無視ボタンを押せば、必要なだけシーンをスキップして次のシーンに進めます。

294.5K 32 RenpyRen'Py

Strip Sexy Pirate pt. 2


453.9K 15 FlashFlash

BDSM Dungeon Slave: the Beginning

Maybe you remember 2 our previous games with this heroine! Now we made a story how did this started. Her name is Veronica. She's going to USA from Ukraine to find some job and make money! But everything isn't so bright as she expected. This game has various endings (6). It depends on your answers during the game. Make sure you reach all endings! A lot of sex scenes are waiting for you!

677.2K 10 FlashFlash

Gym Jane

あなたはジェーンという女の子で、男性とのデートにうんざりしていて、人間関係や性生活において何か新しいことを試したいと思っています。彼女は女の子とのデート試してみたいと思っています。ジムで女の子 (難易度) を選んで、ミアやリンダ、リーといちゃつき始めることができます。結末はあなたの選択次第です。

319K 13 FlashFlash

Crossing cups: Delicious girls


291.7K 33 FlashFlash

Veronica on the Mystery Island

It was summer of 2016, when Veronica was finally able to escape from the BDSM dungeon and return back to her home in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the plane had crashed. She is the only survivor on the mystery island. Cell phones don't work here so she must find some other help.

563.4K 15 FlashFlash

Lust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


My Time [v 0.8]


141.1K 12 RenpyRen'Py

League of Domination [v 0.11]

あなたは魔法のバトル大会に参加しており、誰かが勝つまでここにいなければなりません。最後に立っているのはあなたかもしれませんよ?とにかく、対戦相手を倒して新しい友達を作るか、バトルが得意なら自分だけのエッチな女の子のハーレムを作りましょう。 そうでなければ、あなたも彼女たちの奴隷になることもできますよ。

188.7K 27 RPG MakerRPG Maker

J-Girl Train

This is one file game, but the file is huge, so please wait until it fully loads. You can select one of the characters: Lala, Satsuki, Rinslet or Mamori. Your task is to select right tools and earn points by touching them at the right spots to unlock next scene. All your progress will be stored in gallery, where you can simply look at all pictures you've collected.

1M 28 FlashFlash

Daydreaming With Keeley

This is a daydream James had about Keeley and her friend Keisha. You joined Keeley and Keisha for a workout at the gym. Then you moved to a shower and sexual adventures can begin. You can play easy mode, but regular and hard modes will give you a better endings.

617.9K 20 HTMLHTML

A Heartfelt Visit

You play as a guy in his early 20s who gets an unexpected invite from his best friend, Nick, to spend the summer at his family's luxurious country house. Excited about the idea of a relaxing getaway and a chance to reconnect with Nick, you jump at the opportunity. When you arrive at the Thompson estate, you meet Nick's family — his charming mother, Nina, and his vivacious aunt, Lana, both in their early forties. They quickly take a liking to you, and it's clear there could be some cool sex this summer. Your choices will shape where this hot summer trip takes you!

92.1K 10 RenpyRen'Py

Exposing sexy Alicia

Meet Alicia - she has some strange disease and your task is to make her feel better. Actually you have to fuck her because she has sex addiction. Ask your nurse to join you and make a nice threesome.

669.7K 16 FlashFlash

Bounty Hunter Samus


468.7K 33 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Diva Mizuki Oppai Anime C

This is another sex story from Diva Mizuki series featured Mizuki T*chibana from Gr*vion! She sucks and fucks to protect our planet!! This episode is made in style manner so enjoy her horny performance with all possible motions from different angles.

432.7K 10 FlashFlash

Dominas of the Forsaken Planet [v 0.7]


114.9K 7 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Peter Pan: Women's Underwear Hunter


134.8K 11 HTMLHTML

Blood Raiders

煉獄からの脱出。 最初はあたりは暗闇のみでしたが、その後、火と熱がやって来ました。その後、あなたは目覚めました。ここからは溶岩と燃える岩だけが見えます。あなたはどうやって彼女を手に入れたのか、自分自身のことなど何も覚えていません。あなたが知っているのは、自分の名前がトロイであるということだけです。 WA S D を使用して移動し、Space を使用してアクションを実行します。

125.8K 10 UnityUnity

The Agency: Episode 1

The main character has a complex backstory. His parents abandoned him, so he was adopted by a foster family that gave him everything they had. Now, as an adult, he wants to show his gratitude by starting an agency with a bunch of hot models. The game starts 30 days before the agency's grand opening, and you get to see the whole journey from start to finish. As the player, you don't just passively observe the events; you have the power to make choices that affect the story and change the outcome of the game. Your decisions will determine the success of the agency and how it develops.

191.9K 13 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

F.F.Fight Ultimate

Another (when I say another I mean another fucking great game) episode with our favourite girls: Tifa Lockhart, Celes Chere and Yuffie Kisaragi. Select one of them, fight against them to reach the bonus scenes and enjoy the gallery. Remember that you have not only to attack them, but protect yourself, too. Just use your mouse to control the game.

667.8K 8 FlashFlash

Lust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


Ass, Tits, Pussy or Mouth?


390.7K 49 FlashFlash

Blurring the Walls [v 0.5.0]


120.1K 11 RenpyRen'Py
1 ... 46 47 48 ... 73

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