乱交 - 67 (並び替え: 人気数)
3P, 4P
Lustful College [v 0.36]
83.4K 63% 10 Ren'PyInnocence or Money Season 2
This is the second part of the game about Jennifer, where every decision you make affects her journey and the lives of everyone around her. So, if you haven't played the first part, I highly recommend you do so to really understand the story and how everything is connected. Jennifer decides to change her life and move to a big city. It's a whole new world for her, with all these new people and places. She's not used to all the noise and chaos, but she's ready to give it a try. Find out if she will be able to handle this new life and stay true to herself, or will she succumb to the city's darker temptations? That's up to you to decide.
82.8K 78% 5 Ren'PyLust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)
Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!
1.1M 100%The Void Club Ch.30 - X-men
このゲームの30番目のエピソード、今回はX-Menユニバースに行きましょう。そこでは、レイブン (別名ミスティーク)、エマ フロスト、キティ、ストームなどなど、多くの有名なキャラクターに出会うことになります。スーパーヒーローの冒険は、映画でよく知られた場所を舞台に行われます。
82.8K 67% 5 HTMLGirl in Charge [v 0.40.2a]
81.7K 69% 4 Ren'PyMedical Special Care [v 0.4.10]
You follow a family of doctors as they transition to working at a new hospital, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. The family consists of a psychiatrist father, a general practitioner mother, and their daughter, who works as a nurse. This shift marks a crucial point in their careers and personal lives, as they strive to fulfill their professional and intimate desires. You will primarily control the father, guiding him through both work and personal decisions, but you’ll also have partial control over Eva, the mother, and Karin, the daughter. How you handle the professional and sexual dynamics of each character will shape the storyline, leading to different outcomes.
81.2K 72% 6 Ren'PyZapple!
80.7K 57% 4 HTMLSexbot: Blackjack
ブラックジャックが好きなら、このセックスパロディ作品はあなたの興味をそそるはずです。通常のルールと同様に、21を超えずにできるだけ21に近いスコアを獲得しましょう。ただし、この無修正ゲームにはストリップ ポーカーの要素が追加されており、10人のセクシーな女の子たちと対戦します。女の子よりも多くのポイントを獲得するのが最終的な目標です。あなたが勝てば女の子は服を脱ぎますが、相手が勝った場合は何も起こらず、次のレベルに進むことはできません。ブラックジャックの腕前に自信があるなら、巨乳のセクシーな女の子たちを見るチャンスです!
80.4K 59% 1 ふたなり Ren'PyHer Desire: Season 2 [v 0.18]
これは「Her Desire」の第2シーズンであり、最初の部分は当社のWebサイトでご覧いただけます。幸せな結婚生活を送っていながら、毎日誰かとの親密な関係を夢見ている女性の物話です。彼女があらゆる誘惑に溺れれば溺れるほど、自分をコントロールすることが難しくなります。ストーリーをたどって、物語がどこへ向かうのかを見つけてください。 ゲームのこの部分にはレズビアンのコンテンツがたくさんあるため、レズビアンのコンテンツを愛するプレイヤーにとってより魅力的です。
80.3K 59% 22 Ren'PyThe Void Club Ch.29 - Paladins
79.6K 67% 5 HTMLHarem Cards [v 0.6]
長い検索の結果、あなたは有名なカードルーム、ハーレム カード ラウンジを発見しました!ここでは、魔法のカードを使って多くのセクシーな女性を支配し、エッチな妄想や夢をすべて実現することができます。すべてのマップのロックを解除して、任意の世界またはシナリオにアクセスします。 全てのキャラクターのストーリーを楽しんで集めてください。
79.1K 66% 11 RPG MakerRipples
In this sci-fi visual novel, you play as an 18-year-old high school senior. It all begins on what seems like a normal day when you reunite with your close friend Darci. But then things take a wild turn when you learn some shocking news about your dad. It's like a bombshell that makes you question everything you know about his death. You'll dive into a world full of secrets and mysteries. Find out how you will handle the surprising discoveries about your father's past! Every choice you make will impact the relationships around you and bring you closer to uncovering the truth.
78.8K 86% 21 Ren'PyMax's Life Ch.2
これはマックスと彼の家族に関するゲームの第2部です。最悪の事態は終わり、一緒に寝る準備ができている美少女たちとともに冒険が再び始まります。ゲームを開始する前に、ハードまたはソフトのいずれかのゲーム モードを選択する必要があります。極端なフェチの大ファンだけ、ハード モードを選択するようにしてください。ゲーム内には多数のビデオ ファイルがあるので、クリックしすぎるとすべてが読み込まれるまでに時間がかかることに注意してください。
78.4K 69% 11 Ren'PyB.E.S.T [Ep. 3]
主人公は半年間の集中語学プログラムへの参加を考えています。しかし、彼はある謎のプログラムの参加者の1人に選ばれたため、大きく誤解されています。このプログラムの候補者全員はさまざまなテストと競争を受け、最後に誰が最も優れた学生であるかを決定します。 ゲームが進行するにつれて、参加者は徐々に脱落し、最後には勝者が1人だけ残るのです。
78.3K 69% 25 Ren'PyLust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)
Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!
1.1M 100%Den of the Defiant
78.2K 76% 6 Ren'PyLucky Mark
In this awesome visual novel, you play as a young programmer who just moves into your boss's house. The story starts there and you'll have to navigate through different relationships with all the characters. The game has a really cool time of day system that changes how you interact with people and makes choices more interesting. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock new dialogue options and opportunities to shape the story. It's up to you to decide who to get closer to and how those relationships will develop. Your choices will determine the outcome of your journey and your character's personal growth.
78K 60% 3 Ren'PySymphony of the Serpent: Compressed [v 0.07102]
For players with slow internet connections, we’ve created a compressed version of the game to ensure everyone can experience the adventure. You may encounter occasional bugs, or reduced graphics, but it’s a great way to join the fun. NLT Media has just unveiled the highly anticipated public version of their latest game, now available on the web! Set in a captivating world where a mysterious and dangerous “sex virus” is rapidly spreading across the globe, this title promises a thrilling and unique experience. As the story unfolds, you find yourself surrounded by a diverse cast of stunning, beautiful women. To build a powerful harem while navigating the complex challenges posed by the virus. Immerse yourself in the rich narrative, where every decision you make has an impact on how your relationships evolve. With stunning visuals, engaging storylines, and plenty of twists and turns, each update will add new layers to the game, ensuring that there’s always something fresh and exciting waiting for you. Stay tuned for continuous updates as NLT Media refines and expands this enthralling adventure. Dive into a world of charm, strategy, and allure, and remember: the story is just getting started!
76.9K 77% 31 おすすめ RPG MakerMommy Manhandler
In this fun game, you play as a guy who's on a mission to fuck with MILFs, from your best friend's mom in your small town to powerful demon queens and goddesses from other worlds. The gameplay is simple: you explore different areas on the map, interact with characters (mostly MILFs), and work on improving your relationships with them. The better your connection, the more steamy encounters you can have. Along the way, you can search for hidden items, buy stuff, fight off troublemakers, and switch between day and night by going to sleep. It’s all about adventure, humor, and, of course, plenty of sex fun!
76.5K 70% 9 RPG MakerJennifer's Life [v 1.0]
76.5K 62% 5 Ren'PyCybergenic 4: Low Blow
76.3K 60% 3 HTMLFuta Dominium
In a world where futanari exist, society is split by prejudice and misunderstanding. Meet Luna, a playful 18-year-old girl, who’s just moved to a new city with her stepmother. This city is known for being more open-minded, especially when it comes to futanari. As Luna starts her new school and makes some friends, she quickly finds herself in the middle of a political storm. On one side, there are the Democrats, who, along with conservative groups, want to keep things the way they are, seeing futanari as a threat to tradition. On the other side, the Republicans, now led by strong futanari supporters, are fighting hard for their rights and recognition. As tensions rise between the two sides, Luna has to navigate this divided world. Which side will win in the end?
75.8K 80% 11 ふたなり Ren'PyEdge of the Sky [v 13]
これは、The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimのパロディ ゲームです。 あなたは王国を救うべく、ドラゴン討伐の旅に出ます。また、途中で、友人が夫と一緒に隣町にいる妹のゲルドゥルを見つけるのを手伝う必要があります。領土全体を探索してタスクを完了し、訪れた都市に暮らすセクシーな女性との交流を楽しみましょう。
75.6K 59% 9 RPG MakerThe Will of Endreon [v 0.02p2p]
75.3K 76% 8 Ren'PyLast Human [v 0.7]
75K 69% 33 Ren'PyHer Gentle Hands on You [v 0.281]
主人公は女友達から、マッサージを学ぶのを手伝ってほしいと頼まれました。喜んで同意しましたが、好きな女の子にはそのことを言いませんでした。 選択の可能性のおかげで、ゲームにはプロット展開のためのさまざまなオプションがあります。 思いのままに選択して、ゲームに没頭してください。
74.5K 57% 3 HTMLEnlargements
If you like to have control over what the main character does and how the story goes, then this game is perfect for you. In this game, you can choose whether the main character will be a good guy who resists temptation and does what's right, or he will be a dirty bastard who uses every opportunity to achieve his goals. The game explores the influence of power and corruption on people, and there are many unexpected twists and turns as the characters evolve. It's a tense and emotional game, which is full of secrets that will keep you engaged until the very end.
74.1K 60% 6 Ren'PyAeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)
Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!
1.1M 100%The Ways Summer Goes
これは、一日の中で人生が交錯する二人の主人公についての物語です。 主人公は、有名企業に勤めるジェニファーという孤独な女の子です。そこで彼女は、もうひとりの主人公である野心的なアーサーに出会うことになります。彼はジェニファーが働いている会社の新しいCEOに任命されました。 ゲームの行方はふたり次第なので、彼らの関係がどのように発展するかを調べ、情報に基づいた決定を下してください。
73.8K 67% 5 Ren'Py