美尻 - 80 (並び替え: 人気数)
Android LIFE
89.8K 73% 11 Ren'PyLust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)
Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!
4.2M 100%The Interim Domain [v 0.30.0]
89.6K 65% 2 Ren'PySecrets of Mind Domination [v 0.8]
あなたはキャリアをスタートさせるために大都市に引っ越してきたばかりの新卒者です。医者として町で一番になることを決意します。しかし、もちろん簡単なことではありません。この目標を達成するには、多くの秘密を守り、性的支配についてすべてを学ぶ必要があります。支配的な女王としてプレイしますか?それとも従順な性奴隷としてプレイしますか? 幸いなことに、シナリオがいくつかあります。分岐をすべて試して、さまざまな選択肢を楽しむことをお勧めします。
89.4K 64% 11 RPG MakerSweet Family
In this visual novel, you play as a young guy who's trying to navigate the complex emotions of love and lust in a household with your stepmom and two stepsisters after your dad passed away. Your stepmom, Rose, is a strong and caring woman who's dedicated to taking care of the family after your dad's death. You live under the same roof with your sisters, Lina and Mia. Lina is your age and is bubbly and playful, but she has a secret crush on you. Mia is older and has a tough exterior, but there's a secret she's hiding about you that might change everything. How you handle these relationships and the secrets will determine the story and lead to some surprising twists.
89.3K 65% 9 Ren'PyFatima's Lust [v 0.6f]
89.2K 58% 6 Ren'PyCorporate Culture [v 0.7]
あなたは大企業の末端で働く平凡な男です。 昇進のチャンスは望んでいませんが、地道に自分の仕事を続けています。 好きな同僚との楽しい会話の後、すべてが変わり始めます。周りのキャラクターたちとやり取りして、ゲームを進めましょう。
88.8K 54% 13 Ren'PyALT CTRL DEL [v 0.0.8]
88.8K 64% 11 Ren'PyMy Neighbor Is Way Too Perverted!
You play as Cody, a young man who has had a tough life. His parents divorced and he and his mom ended up in poverty, living with his grandpa. He was bullied and felt isolated, and it was hard for him to find peace. But everything changes when a beautiful and sexy woman moves into the house across the street. After a fight with his mom, Cody went over to the woman’s house to talk. She listened to him and offered him comfort. For the first time, he felt like someone cared about his problems. That started a new relationship that he didn't expect.
88.8K 76% 13 RPG MakerThe Lewd Corruption of the Heaven [v 0.1.7]
The goddess finds out that the city that worshiped her no longer believes in her. She sends two angel girls to the human world to convince people to believe in her again. However, when the angel girls arrive, things become even more complicated. They can't go back to the realm of angels, besides, some strange energy constantly makes people horny.
88.6K 61% 2 Ren'PyCompanion of Darkness [Ch. 9]
プロットに焦点を当てたビジュアルノベルです。3年間の放浪を経て故郷に戻る過程で、あなたは2つの超常現象の力による戦いの目撃者になります。しかし突然、何事もなかったかのように自宅のベッドで目覚めます。この瞬間から、奇妙で危険なことがあなたに起こり始めます。 ストーリーがどの方向に進むのかを理解するために、情報に基づいた意思決定を行ってください。
88.4K 71% 12 Ren'PyBoobitch Family Reunion 2: Vigo the Carpathian
これは、ブービッチ一家の巨大かつ恐ろしい悪との闘いについての物語の続編です。少女たちの性的エネルギーが悪を100年間の投獄から解放しました。そして今、彼女たちは悪を永遠に葬り去るために投獄しようとしています。 少女たちは城の領土に入らなければならず、そこで最大の悪と対峙することになるでしょう。 セクシーなボディを使って悪を阻止できるのは彼女たちだけなのです。
88.3K 70% 6 HTMLMother's Devotion [v 0.14]
You play as the female protagonist, Clarissa, a strong and independent sexy MILF who's just escaped from her abusive ex. Now, Clarissa is raising three kids as a single parent and trying to make ends meet. Life isn't easy, but she's determined to find a way through the chaos. Throughout the game, you'll see Clarissa navigate the challenges of being a single mom - from juggling work and kids to managing finances. Despite all the challenges she faces, she finds ways to keep moving forward, proving that there's always a way to a brighter future, even in the darkest of times.
88.2K 53% 6 Ren'PySpecial Delivery
88.1K 65% 13 Ren'PyRick and Morty - A Morty Solo Adventure
After surviving the most epic and mind-bending adventure, where his entire reality was shattered, Morty suddenly finds himself in a new world - but this time, Rick is nowhere to be found. For the first time, Morty sees this as his golden opportunity to step out of Rick's shadow and live life on his own terms. Determined to finally make his move on Jessica, the girl of his dreams, Morty embarks on a wild journey full of unexpected twists and turns. This adventure isn’t just a straight path; you’ll find multiple choices that lead to different outcomes, including bad endings that might make you rethink your decisions.
88K 62% 7 Ren'PyLust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)
Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!
4.2M 100%The Lust City: Season 2 [v 0.82]
あなたは美少女たちと一緒に素晴らしい冒険に出かけ、ジャングルを巡ります。 あなたは、ジャングルの奥深くに廃墟となった寺院を見つけます。あなたはそれを見つけて、信じられないほどの考古学的発見をするでしょう。神殿を見つけることができるか、それとも全く予期せぬことがあなたに起こるかどうかを確かめてください。
87.7K 62% 6 Ren'PyPornStars BlackJack [v 1.10]
If you like cards, girls and challenges, then this game is perfect for you! Get ready to step into a world of high-stakes, head-to-head battles with some sexy girls. Your goal is to take all their cash and watch how they pay the price. As you play, stay sharp because these girls won't be easy to beat. The more wins you have, the more intense the game gets, and the sweeter your victories. Whether you're after the challenge, excitement or just a good time playing against intriguing opponents, this is an experience you won't forget. Are you ready to face the challenge and see where it takes you?
87.6K 51% 11 HTMLThe Neverwhere Tales
You've always had a pretty simple, stable upbringing, living on the outskirts of town with supportive parents. After high school, you started a typical job and began to climb the corporate ladder. You settled into adult life, but then one day, your mom called with shocking news that turned your world upside down. Everything you thought you knew about your past turned out to be a lie! Now you're questioning your identity and your future. Will you uncover the truth, adapt to your new world, and decide who to trust along the way? Your decisions will determine your future on this unpredictable journey of self-discovery.
87.6K 91% 14 Ren'PyA Father's Sins - Going to Hell [Ch. 13]
このゲームはトリニティウォーズの終焉後に行われます。 あなたは勝利し、地球上のバランスは取り戻されました。しかし、勝利の代償はあなたの魂に重くのしかかり、あなたは常に難しい質問を自分自身に問い続けます。しばらくして、古代の悪が目覚め、街は再び魔法に包まれてしまいます。 ストーリーに従い、ゲームをクリアするための別の方法も検討してください。
87.6K 47% 4 Ren'PyRed Brim [v 0.18]
You are an enthusiastic student photographer who likes to wander around the city on weekends, taking pictures of beautiful landscapes. One day you will meet a mysterious woman in a red hat that catches your eye so much that you decide to follow her. Along the way, you will interact with a variety of characters, and each of them will reveal all their secrets to you.
87.4K 70% 6 Ren'PyThe List [v 0.12]
非常に嘆かわしい状況にある主人公をうらやむ人は誰もいないでしょう。彼は大学で勉強についていけず、お金もなく、両親にも疎ましく思われていますが、妹だけが彼を愛しています。しかしある日、彼はポーカーをプレイして大金を稼ぐチャンスを得るでしょう。 このゲームの結果は彼の人生全体を変えることになるはずです。 注意してください、ゲームは非常に厳しいものであり、さまざまな不快なイベントが発生します。
87.2K 62% 19 Ren'PySwinging London
Step into the swinging 60s with Jill Dixon, a 19-year-old navigating the busy streets of London in 1963. Jill works as a typist for Mutual Insurance and dreams of breaking free from her boring life. In a world where TVs are black and white and social norms are strict, her dreams seem impossible. Despite being shy, Jill longs for adventure. Follow Jill as she uncovers hidden desires, grapples with societal expectations, and seeks a life that sparks her. With authentic slang, a historical setting, and a relatable protagonist, "Swinging London" invites you on an exciting journey of personal discovery and transformation.
87.1K 33% 15 ゲイ HTMLA date with Nelly
87K 45% 8 HTMLWet Sand [v 0.6.4f]
87K 74% 20 Ren'PyBreed [v 0.5]
In Breed game, you step into the shoes of a goblin who finds himself in a quite unusual situation. You serve as a housekeeper for a powerful and alluring sorceress named Jennifer. However, your ultimate goal is far from servitude. As you navigate through the game's intricate scenarios, your mission is to cleverly manipulate events and choices to corrupt Jennifer, have sex with her and constantly procreate. Success means transforming her to partner and fulfilling your ultimate aim to breed her. The game is filled with strategic decision-making, where every choice can lead to different outcomes, keeping you engaged.
86.8K 71% 10 Ren'PyOn the Prairie [v 0.7.0]
このアクション満載のビジュアルノベルは、西部開拓時代を舞台にしています。主人公は幼い頃に両親を亡くしました。しかし彼は一人ぼっちではありませんでした。 家族の親しい友人が彼の育ての世話をしてくれたのです。大人になった主人公は自分自身を探すために長い旅に出ることにしました。そしてすぐに彼は小さな町を見つけるでしょう。そこの住民は彼に伝えたいこと、見せたいことがあるようです。
86.6K 77% 15 Ren'PyAeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)
Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!
4.2M 100%World Tamer [v 0.15.0]
86.3K 76% 11 Ren'PyThe Curse of Joy
主人公はプログラミング系の大学を卒業したばかりです。 彼は優秀な学生ではなかったので、裕福な母親と暮らすために故郷に戻りました。小さな町に住み、そこで仕事を見つけ、新しい友達を作ったり古い友人とまた仲良くしようとします。 彼が以前からの知り合いだった女の子たちを訪ねて、彼が本当に欲しがっているものを手に入れましょう。 あなたに依存するものは何もありませんので、ただ物語に従ってください。
86.1K 72% 5 Ren'Py