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冒険 - 67 (並び替え: 人気数)


Give Me a Sun

このゲームはレズビアンについての物語で、ペニスは一本も出てきません。ゲームは遠い未来の世界が舞台です。主人公は、行方不明の弟に何が起こったのかを知るために、数年ぶりに故郷に戻ります。 彼女は、彼に起こった一連の出来事全体を理解するために、最初から調査を開始する必要があります。 主人公がすべての真実を知るためにできる限りのサポートをしてあげましょう。

24.8K 9 RenpyRen'Py

Stellar Incognita [v 0.9.2]

これは、遠い未来の西暦3922年にあなたを連れ戻すSFビジュアルノベルです。ついに、人類が銀河を旅して他の惑星を探索できる瞬間がやって来ました。 あなたは人工クローンであるサガシャス6としてプレイします。あなたは自意識を持ち、他のクローンの心を操作するための禁断のテクノロジーの研究を始めました。

24.1K RenpyRen'Py

Amouranth: The Game (スポンサー)

Ever wanted to control and strip the hottest game streamer on the planet?! Amouranth: The Game gives you the power to make her do anything you want. Play Free Now!


Sins of Night

The main character found himself on the bottom of life and doesn't know how to get back out. But once, a vampire bites him in a dark alley, and now the guy is drawn into a dark secret society of various creatures. The world turned upside down for him and was filled with demons, monsters and all kinds of curses. He will have to use all his charm skills to enchant women and pervert them.

23.7K 3 RenpyRen'Py

Destiny's Embrace

The game takes place in the world of Terra, where people live side by side with mythical creatures and powerful gods. You play as a guy of divine and royal blood, who was saved from certain death by a heroic knight as a child. As you get older, you decide to become an adventurer. Your goal is to become the best in the guild, and also acquire a whole harem of stunning beauties.

22.4K 7 RenpyRen'Py

Dungeon Days

The main character works as a cleaner’s assistant in one of the dungeons of a fantasy world. One day he is assigned to follow a group of people who plan to destroy this place. So he and his childhood female friend head to the city to see what's up and try to stop enemies.

22.3K 2 RenpyRen'Py

Luna Reloaded


21.1K 3 RenpyRen'Py

Strings of Fate: Ep. 2 [v 0.6.3]

あなたは自分の精神と心が時空を駆け巡っていることに気づきました。目の前で光が点滅し、すべてが暗闇に沈みます。しかし、この暗闇は体に戻るとすぐに消えます。あなたの目は開きつつあり、旅を始めた場所に戻る時が来ました。 人や物を使って過去に失ったものをすべて取り戻し、すべての敵に復讐してください。

20.8K 2 RenpyRen'Py

Symphony of the Void [v 0.5b]

主人公はダークエルフのエリート部隊の一員です。この部隊の仕事は、さまざまな暗殺者やスパイに仕えることであるため、その生活は驚きと残酷さに満ちています。彼はミゼアの街を訪れ、そこで権力闘争や悪魔崇拝、腐敗の真っ只中にいることに気づきます。 主人公がこの仕事に何とか適応し、生き残れるように手助けしてください。

17.6K 9 RenpyRen'Py

Royale Harem

You play as Lewis, the bastard son of the royals who wants to reclaim his royal legacy. Using magic, he has to survive through various trials where he can turn any loser into a part of his harem. Meet different characters, fight with them, and get into some romantic relationships.

17K 2 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Occultus: DoD

This is a noir visual novel about Jane Malady, a private detective. She 's trying to solve the case of a woman who disappeared in the shady underworld of L.A. There are all kinds of cults and monsters in this gloomy city, and you have to help Jane unravel this case. What other dark truths will you uncover?

15.3K 5 RenpyRen'Py

Bound by Night

これは、超自然的な要素を含む現代世界を舞台にしたゲイをテーマにしたビジュアル ノベルです。ゲームには6人の基本キャラクターが登場し、それぞれが恋愛関係を築きたいと考えています。主人公のアレックスは医学部を卒業し、新しい街に引っ越して働き始めました。ここから彼の旅が始まり、セックスや支配、服従の世界に身を置くことになります。

14.5K ゲイゲイ RenpyRen'Py

Dragon Orbs [v 2024-06-03]

The main character finds out that the tournament he has always wanted to compete in is in danger of being disrupted. To save it, he must go in search of seven magical spheres that are scattered throughout the city. During his journey, fierce battles with enemies and many challenges await him. Your task is to do everything so that the mission is successful and the main character can return to normal life.

14.3K 4 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Dungeon Explorers

This game is about a runaway slave who is only thinking about taking revenge on his former masters. Before he can start a war, he needs to gather a group of loyal followers. The day finally comes when he assembles his team. Now he is ready to take revenge on everyone who has caused him harm. The most important thing is to ensure that he is strong enough to protect the most precious thing - his own life!

14.2K 10 RPG MakerRPG Maker

The Art of Diplomacy and... Love

This is a story about a tramp who spends his days carelessly in the Middle Ages, getting into all kinds of crazy trouble. But this time, he is really lucky, due to unforeseen circumstances, he becomes a young nobleman. Now he lives at the royal court and trying his best to keep his secret. No one has noticed the substitution, so he can spend time with the ladies of the court and flirt with them without anyone noticing.

10.8K 3 RenpyRen'Py

Dominant Witches 2


10K 1 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Amouranth: The Game (スポンサー)

Ever wanted to control and strip the hottest game streamer on the planet?! Amouranth: The Game gives you the power to make her do anything you want. Play Free Now!



You were a great student, until you started skipping your classes and got kicked out of the institute. You felt so down because your mom had been paying for your studies. Walking around town, thinking about it all, you realized you needed a job to be independent of her. So, you got a job as a delivery guy and now a lot of horny women are waiting for you.

7.4K RenpyRen'Py

My Past Secrets

After completing your military service, you founded your own security company. The business was successful, and you had no problems with money. But, as it turned out, due to the difficult financial situation, your mother and sister have nowhere to live. So they move into your house, and now you're trying to combine your family responsibilities and business management.

6.6K 2 RenpyRen'Py

Zombie Complex

You found yourself in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, as the house you live in is crowded by zombies. Your task is to move through the streets to get some food and medicine, and also to help people in trouble. Find out if you can become the hero of the city during this time of chaos? Just start the game and plunge into this unforgettable and exciting journey.

3.5K RenpyRen'Py

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