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玉, 球

The Last of Ourselves

これは、The Last of Us をベースにしたパロディゲームです。地球上で恐ろしいことが起こり、一部の人々が怪物と化してしまいました。この突然変異は非常に急速に地球全体に広がり、混乱が始まりました。エリスはこの終末の世界でなんとか生き延びようとしています。エリスの人生と、彼女の保護者、そして性的パートナーとの旅について、多くの興味深いことを学ぶことになります。 彼と出会ってから彼女の人生は一変しました。

160.2K 10 RenpyRen'Py

Wife Trainer Files

In this game, you're a life coach for women. You help them change their lifestyles and achieve their goals. Every time you work with a client and they make progress, your reputation as a coach grows. This opens up more opportunities to work with other clients. The better you do, the more people will hear about you, allowing you to take on more clients who need your help. Depending on how successful you were, you might be able to keep in touch with your clients and help them even more. The more time and effort you put into helping them, the better the results will be.

88.3K 4 RenpyRen'Py

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


Lucky Mark

In this awesome visual novel, you play as a young programmer who just moves into your boss's house. The story starts there and you'll have to navigate through different relationships with all the characters. The game has a really cool time of day system that changes how you interact with people and makes choices more interesting. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock new dialogue options and opportunities to shape the story. It's up to you to decide who to get closer to and how those relationships will develop. Your choices will determine the outcome of your journey and your character's personal growth.

65.4K 2 RenpyRen'Py


2 人のエクソシストが影の領域に入り、落ち着きのない霊たちを成敗して、生の世界とのバランスを保ちます。しかし、影の領域には秘密があります。ヒーローをクリックしてエネルギーを蓄積し、放すと生命力が発射され、敵を焼き尽くします。より長いビルドアップ、より強力な爆発。話したり訓練したりすることを忘れないでください。それによってストーリーがさらに進み、結末が変わることさえあります。

276.2K 17 ゲイゲイ FlashFlash

Imaginarium [v 2.3]

あなたは18歳になって高校を卒業し、今は地元の大学で勉強しています。あなたはいつも漫画や本に夢中で、自分だけの空想の世界で過ごしています。あなたはすでに成人男性であるにもかかわらず、まだ空想を続けており、ある日、ウィッチャーの世界の過酷な世界に自分自身を見つけることになります。 有名なキャラクターに出会うだけでなく、戦いやユーモア、セックスの波に巻き込まれます。

625.8K 37 HTMLHTML

Big Balls Problem [v 1.0]

このゲームはウォーハンマーやウィッチャー、スカイリムなどのゲームに影響を受けています。主人公はチンコが小さい平凡で目立たないオタク。 しかし突然、彼は神によって選ばれある能力を与えられました。これから彼は神々に従わなければなりません、さもなければ彼はすべての名誉を剥奪され、再び単なる人間になってしまいます。 神々との協力が彼をどこへ導くのか、そしてどんな試練が彼を待ち受けているのかを知りましょう。

129.2K 9 RenpyRen'Py

It's Just a Game

Step into an intense erotic sci-fi thriller where reality and fantasy collide. In the near future, VR simulation games are a popular form of entertainment. The protagonist, a tech genius, discovers a way to turn these solo games into multiplayer ones. However, this breakthrough leads him into conflict with the powerful company behind the technology. Now, with access to the secret fantasies of those closest to him, the protagonist faces new possibilities and moral dilemmas. Will you keep their secrets or use them for personal gain? The choice is in your hands as you navigate a world where technology and desire all mix up together.

32.3K 2 RenpyRen'Py

A Heartfelt Visit

You play as a guy in his early 20s who gets an unexpected invite from his best friend, Nick, to spend the summer at his family's luxurious country house. Excited about the idea of a relaxing getaway and a chance to reconnect with Nick, you jump at the opportunity. When you arrive at the Thompson estate, you meet Nick's family — his charming mother, Nina, and his vivacious aunt, Lana, both in their early forties. They quickly take a liking to you, and it's clear there could be some cool sex this summer. Your choices will shape where this hot summer trip takes you!

15.5K 2 RenpyRen'Py

PornStars BlackJack [v 1.08]

If you like cards, girls and challenges, then this game is perfect for you! Get ready to step into a world of high-stakes, head-to-head battles with some sexy girls. Your goal is to take all their cash and watch how they pay the price. As you play, stay sharp because these girls won't be easy to beat. The more wins you have, the more intense the game gets, and the sweeter your victories. Whether you're after the challenge, excitement or just a good time playing against intriguing opponents, this is an experience you won't forget. Are you ready to face the challenge and see where it takes you?


My Girlfriend's Friends


198.8K 20 RenpyRen'Py

A date with Nelly



The Family's Curse [v 0.12.2]

Dive into your college journey with a bold new plan - no more being the shy and boring guy. You're a gay who's going to lose your virginity and take charge of your life. But it's going to be challenging, as you live in a conservative town. In this interactive game, you'll navigate through a series of romantic and exciting situations, each with its own unique outcomes. Every choice you make will shape the path you take, leading to different endings. Are you up for the challenge and ready to transform your college life into an unforgettable adventure? Find out by jumping into this interactive experience!

31.8K 5 ゲイゲイ

Ultra Bounce

Your task in this short game is to keep all of the balls in the air as long as possible. Use your 3 lives to reach the highest score possible - 250.

139.9K 2 FlashFlash

Gem Domination

In this game, inspired by the "Steven Universe" cartoon, Steven realizes that the future he envisioned isn't as perfect as he'd hoped. He's been disappointed by what he saw, so he's set off on a journey around the world. During his travels, he found two mysterious gems that gave him a second chance to change his destiny. With these gems, he has a new power that's different from anything he's ever seen before. How he uses this power and what he does with it will determine his future. As he faces various challenges and difficult decisions, Steven needs to decide if he wants to use his new powers for good or if he should risk making things even worse. Every choice he makes could have unexpected consequences.

36.6K 4 RenpyRen'Py

Isabella - Chasing Shadows [v Ch. 4.3]

これは30歳の男のビジュアル ノベルです。彼は婚約者と幸せな生活を楽しんでいたが、ある事件が彼の人生を台無しにしました。婚約者が悲劇的な事故で亡くなり、彼は人生の目的を失いました。残念ながら警察が力になってくれなかったため男は自分で調査し、婚約者を交通事故に遭わせた人物が誰なのかを突き止めることにしました。

73.6K 11 RenpyRen'Py

Soul Descent: The Game (スポンサー)

Encounter a variety of spirit-vessel maidens and engage in a deep, soulful interaction by upgrading their potential. A spectrum of girls awaits you, from the naïve to the mature, from the sexy to the passionate, from the indifferent to the fiery. Find the partner of your dreams in this game. Play free now!


Reality Show 3: Stormy Day

なんという情熱でしょう!女の子たちは常に罵倒し合っていて、あなたのために競争相手を追い出す準備ができています。別の衝突の後、キャロラインは別荘を去らなければならず、7人の女の子がショーに残りました。 ジェニファーに注目してください。彼女はあなたにまったく興味がなく、むしろ番組の評価に夢中になっているようです。女の子の間で何が起こっているのかを調べて、この絶え間ない争いの嵐を何とか落ち着かせましょう。


Lovu Lovu Medicine



Get Cucked, Nerd!

In this game, you're a high school senior who's about to graduate. After the mysterious disappearance of your mother and sister, you get a huge inheritance so you don't have to work. But everyone thinks you're weak and pathetic, so you're always getting bullied. It's like some crazy rollercoaster ride where you keep getting cucked over and over. You think you've escaped, but then it happens again! In the middle of all this chaos, can you find true love and overcome the odds? Or will you be stuck in the cycle forever? It’s time to start this crazy journey!


The Prison Guard


97.1K 8 RenpyRen'Py

The Green Shadow Rachel [v 0.12 Bugfix]

これは、18歳のレイチェルという女の子についてのRPGです。彼女は幼少期に両親を亡くし、完全に一人ぼっちになってしまいました。 彼女は孤児院で暮らさなければなりませんでしたが、そこの人々は彼女が非常に才能があり、強いことに気づきました。そして彼女を影のリーグに送り、そこで忍者になるための技術を学ばせることが決まりました。レイチェルは大人になり、初めての使命を果たす日がついにやって来ます。

119.6K 27 ふたなりふたなり RPG MakerRPG Maker

The Agency: Episode 1

The main character has a complex backstory. His parents abandoned him, so he was adopted by a foster family that gave him everything they had. Now, as an adult, he wants to show his gratitude by starting an agency with a bunch of hot models. The game starts 30 days before the agency's grand opening, and you get to see the whole journey from start to finish. As the player, you don't just passively observe the events; you have the power to make choices that affect the story and change the outcome of the game. Your decisions will determine the success of the agency and how it develops.

167.8K 11 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

The Flash [v 0.05]


224.6K 32 HTMLHTML

My Pig Princess [v 0.7.0]

あなたは朝から晩まで忙しく働く農家です。あなたは疲れて、休暇を取って国の首都に行くことにしました。王都にはエメリという名の美しい王女が住んでいます。 あなたは偶然彼女に出会い、それがあなたを忘れられない冒険へと導くでしょう。王室の娘が普通の農民とどのように楽しく過ごすのか、そして王国のすべてのスキャンダルや陰謀にどのように対処するのかを見てみませんか?

434.9K 54 RenpyRen'Py

FemCity [v 0.6]

あなたは男子からなる共和国の最高のハッカーです。あなたが送られるのは、男性差別が当たり前の敵国、フェムシティ。あなたの仕事は、研究室に入り、そこで何が起こっているのかを調べることです。ですが任務は計画通りに進まず、あなたは捕らえられてしまいます。 あなたはレインという名の少女の奴隷になります。 この街から抜け出し、住民の秘密をすべて明らかにする方法を見つけましょう!

185.8K 24 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

The Fapocalypse [v 0.2.1]


374.2K 66 HTMLHTML


Do you like spend time playing match 3 games? Then enjoy this adult lines game where instead of gems we have boobs. After each level you'll see some video with nice boobs. Enjoy those nice tits and complete all the levels. There is no time limit, but don't try to swap two boobs if you're not 100% sure that it will happen.

280.4K 6 FlashFlash

Rightful Ownership

あなたは普通の生活を得るために一生懸命働いた父親のもとで育ちました。あなたの父親は、あなたのライフスタイルやPCに向かってすべての時間を費やすやり方が気に入らなかったのです。しかし、ビットコインに投資したお金のおかげで、若い頃はたくさんのお金を手に入れられました。あなたは気ままな生活を始め、さまざまなセクシーな美女と多くの時間を過ごし、あらゆるくだらないことに多額のお金を費やします。しかし、26 歳の誕生日に、あなたは自分の人生を変えたいと考えはじめました。

111.9K 37 RenpyRen'Py

A Tale of One City

Be patient, this game takes a long time to load. In this game, you'll find yourself in a bustling coastal city filled with opportunities and adventures. As you play, you'll discover RPG elements that allow you to build up your stats and gain special perks, opening up even more possibilities for your journey. You play as a young guy who has just graduated from college and is going to start his job in the real world. But the city isn't just about work - there's tons of cool sex stuff to discover. Whether you focus on your career or just explore the city, your choices will change the story and lead to new opportunities.

45.5K 12 RenpyRen'Py

Lust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


The Restaurant [v 0.2.2]


107.3K 16 RenpyRen'Py


Here we have another great strip video game with some really hot blond bitch with perfect tits. Your task is to simply push the ball to a higher value than your opponent. After each successful round you'll unlock new video.

405.7K 17 FlashFlash
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