Kings and Pawns

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説明: In this story-driven game, you follow a young man who has faced a difficult and dark past. He has endured the tragic loss of his parents, felt the sting of alienation from his loved ones, and even struggled with drug addiction. Now, he longs for a simple, peaceful life free from his past mistakes. However, fate has other plans, and his troubled history refuses to let him move on so easily. As he navigates new challenges, you will shape his future through the choices you make, determining whether he can finally find peace or get pulled back into the chaos.
もっと: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update

バージョン: アップロードされた: 2024-09-29, 投稿された: 2024-09-29. アップデートリクエスト!


| バージョン: アップデートリクエスト?


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