Legend of Krystal Parody: Act 1

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説明: In The Mysterious Cave, Krystal will have the chance to explore a cave that changes based on your progress in the game. Depending on whether it's your first time or after completing certain tasks, such as Mira’s dance training, Krystal’s monologues will vary. She can also wash under a waterfall once every 24 hours, which may lead to unforeseen events later on. Two key characters in The Warriors Zone will help Krystal develop her combat skills, with their backstories unfolding gradually as the plot advances. Expect new quests and deeper interactions as Krystal learns more about the world and its inhabitants.
もっと: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update

バージョン: アップロードされた: 2024-10-28, 投稿された: 2024-10-27. アップデートリクエスト!


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