Sins of Lust Ch.2 [v 0.1.5]

フルスクリーン お気に入りに追加

説明: In this sequel, the story takes you deeper into the world of exploration and passion. The main character has a rare condition where his body produces too much sex hormones, but he can't get excited like other guys. His doctor and nurse come up with a crazy idea to wake up his sleeping passions. He starts this journey and there are fears and uncertainties about his new relationships. But through all the chaos, he finds strength and courage. He's guided by a mentor who helps him explore his deepest dreams and darkest desires. You'll help decide how far he should go - will he have a big harem or choose a different path? It's up to you to decide his fate.
もっと: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update
First Chapter of the Game previously was called Lust Guide - now it's just Sins of Lust Ch.1

バージョン: アップロードされた: 2024-10-30, 投稿された: 2024-10-29. アップデートリクエスト!


| バージョン: アップデートリクエスト?


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