今週人気のゲーム - 35
Emilie Finds a Way [v 1.0]
210.9K 70% 12Enlargements
If you like to have control over what the main character does and how the story goes, then this game is perfect for you. In this game, you can choose whether the main character will be a good guy who resists temptation and does what's right, or he will be a dirty bastard who uses every opportunity to achieve his goals. The game explores the influence of power and corruption on people, and there are many unexpected twists and turns as the characters evolve. It's a tense and emotional game, which is full of secrets that will keep you engaged until the very end.
108.9K 64% 8
Love Unbound
76K 63% 5
Euryale's Gambit [v 1.0.20]
サキュバスのエウリュアレ・ギャンビットの物語が見られます。 彼女は時間をさかのぼって紛争を止め、奴隷制度による戦争の勃発を防ぎます。すべては絶え間ない争いから始まり、オリンピックの3つの神々は世界を3つの世界に分割することを決定しました。 天国、地獄、そして死の世界。 彼らは悪魔とサキュバスを地獄に追放し、卑劣な寄生虫も追放し、神々は自分たちのために楽園を選びました。時が経つにつれ、人間、悪魔、サキュバスの連合がオリンピアンとの戦いを繰り広げました。 何年にもわたる深刻な戦争が繰り広げられています。
138.1K 61% 5

The Button [Tap 8]
256.8K 65% 23
Depraved Town: Remake
あなたは荒廃した町で突然目が覚めました。 あなたは自分がどこにいるか覚えておらず、何が起こっているのかも理解していません。 あなたは取引について語しかけてくるサキュバスのリョウカと出会います。あなたは今、好きな女の子とエッチする才能を持っていることがわかりました。 女の子との堕落から、サキュバスは特別な力を得ます。 これはゲームのアップデート版で、バグがなくなり、新機能が追加されました。
317.3K 69% 15
What's Mine Is Yours: Season 1
You play as a married high school teacher who has a seemingly normal life, but then everything changes when your wife drops a bombshell - she wants to have sex with your students! You've been thrown into a whirlpool of complex choices that have far-reaching consequences. Should you give in to your wife's demand and risk everything you hold dear - your job, reputation, and marriage? Every decision you make leads to an unpredictable ending. This is a game like no other, with only chaos as a certainty. The only thing you can be sure of is that nothing will be the same after you play.
15.9K 65% 2
God of Lust [v 0.5]
958.7K 73% 252
My Brother's Wife [v 0.11]
これはコールとその兄アラン、そしてアランの妻ジェニファーについての物語です。 数年前に両親が亡くなり、アランはコールを別の国に留学させました。そして彼らは再会し、これからしばらく一緒に暮らすことになります。 しかし、すべてがそんなにシンプルなのでしょうか?
431.4K 74% 44
Symphony of the Serpent Compressed v 0.13122
For players with slow internet connections, we’ve created a compressed version of the game to ensure everyone can experience the adventure. You may encounter occasional bugs, or reduced graphics, but it’s a great way to join the fun. NLT Media has just unveiled the highly anticipated public version of their latest game, now available on the web! Set in a captivating world where a mysterious and dangerous “sex virus” is rapidly spreading across the globe, this title promises a thrilling and unique experience. As the story unfolds, you find yourself surrounded by a diverse cast of stunning, beautiful women. To build a powerful harem while navigating the complex challenges posed by the virus. Immerse yourself in the rich narrative, where every decision you make has an impact on how your relationships evolve. With stunning visuals, engaging storylines, and plenty of twists and turns, each update will add new layers to the game, ensuring that there’s always something fresh and exciting waiting for you. Stay tuned for continuous updates as NLT Media refines and expands this enthralling adventure. Dive into a world of charm, strategy, and allure, and remember: the story is just getting started!
101.9K 77% 34

My Early Life
Bob’s life takes a dramatic turn after his father dies in a tragic accident with his new girlfriend, leaving Bob and his late dad’s girlfriend’s three daughters to fend for themselves. They decide to stay together and live in the big, fancy house that their dad bought. But money's tight, so Bob looks for ways to make some cash. Through unexpected opportunities, budding dynamics, and deeper connections, Bob must find his path in this evolving and complex family structure. His journey with these three gorgeous women brings challenges, hot sex, and new opportunities that shape his future in unexpected ways.
102.9K 67% 35
Elite Garden [Ep. 4]
このゲームには複数の主人公がいますが、彼らは親戚関係にあたり、そして全員が国内最高の大学に在籍しています。裕福な家庭の出身ではないため、クラスメートや教師から大きな注目を集めました。 彼らの人生は興味深い冒険に満ちており、彼らの将来の運命がどうなるかを決めるのはあなた次第です。 ちなみに、誰もが両手を広げて歓迎する用意ができているわけではありません。
164.8K 91% 25
Grandma's House Part 2 [v 0.37]
まずはじめに、これをプレイするために前回のパートからのセーブデータは必要ありません。代わりに、一連の質問に答えて何かを生成できます。 しかし、スロットにゲームを保存している場合は、それで十分です。 ストーリーは、数種類の新しい素晴らしい冒険、意思決定、およびすでに見たキャラクターとのセックスシーンで続き、何人かの新しいキャラクターも登場するでしょう。
742.2K 79% 70
Wild Cats
Your days as a rising volleyball star came to a crushing end when you pushed yourself too far, shattering your shoulder - and your future. After a year of self-pity, you get an unexpected invitation from Baskerville State University. It's a prestigious school that wouldn't have considered you before, but now they're offering you a full scholarship. But there's a catch - you have to coach the women's volleyball team instead of playing. Becoming the coach of the BSU Wild Cats won’t be easy. The team is a mess, plagued with conflicts, doubts, and internal struggles. Every step forward threatens to send you back into failure. But you've got to do it. For your own sake and for theirs.
57.6K 85% 17
You play as Yuta, a young 18-year-old guy, and Ayame, a 38-year-old woman, who leave Japan behind to start a new life in the US. They hope for a peaceful life, but soon realize that their new place has its own challenges, temptations, and dangers. As they try to adapt to their new life, their desires start to awaken and they have to make some tough decisions. Will they stay on track or get lost in a world of love and passion? Who will they meet along the way, and how will these encounters shape their fate? Your choices will guide their journey through this exciting and seductive story.
51.3K 47% 4
Business Angels 9 Part 2: The Gift
このエピソード (第 9 話の後半) は、オリビアとパイパーの出会いが描かれています。ふたりがお互いにキスし、裸になり、最も美しいレズビアンのシーンが登場し、お互いを喜ばせようとして使用する巨大なディルドを特別なギフトとして贈られます。
147.9K 67% 7
Character Ero Flash -Nis*koi-
この変態ゲームでは、日本の女子校生2人が登場します。あなたの仕事は、右側でツールを選択し、(必要に応じて)衣装を変更し、それらを実行することです。 ニセコイの桐崎千棘と小野寺小咲を最大限に楽しむために、すべてのオプションをチェックしてください。
1M 68% 54
Light of My Life Season 1
Five years ago, your world came crashing down when you lost your wife. Left to raise your two kids on your own, you did everything you could to keep the family together. But the weight of grief made it hard for all of you to move forward. Over time, the bond you shared with her children began to fade as each of you dealt with the loss in your own way. Now, as kids are growing older and carving out their own paths, you realize it’s time to bridge the gap and reconnect as a family. Can you conquer the odds and bring everyone back together?
81K 72% 10
iNSight of you
あなたは大規模なマフィア グループに所属する、サムです。優れた技術スキルのおかげで、あなたはハイテク機器の所有者になります。 赤毛の美女エスターと一緒に、この多機能デバイスを理解し、その機能をすべて学ぼうとします。あなたの周りの美人やヒステリックな上司にこのデバイスを使用してください。
175.1K 72% 11
No Place Like Home [Ch. 15]
233.1K 60% 15
Lust Legion [v 4.0]
Step into a crazy visual novel filled with beautifully hand-drawn graphics and animations, backed by a gripping story. In this game, you'll join the main character, an ordinary student, who suddenly finds himself in a terrifying situation with no clear explanation. One simple action turns his world upside down, making him the center of attention for many – and not all of them are friendly. As chaos unfolds around him, you'll guide him through dangerous and exciting adventures, making choices that affect the outcome. With limited information and high stakes, every decision counts. Can you uncover the truth and survive the storm?
110.1K 62% 11