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RPG要素のあるビジュアルノベルです。魅力的なキャラクターと細かく描かれたセックスシーンを備えた物語があなたを待っています。重傷を負った主人公は奇跡的に命を取り留めました。しかし自分自身のことを何も覚えておらず、どのようにしてこの街に来たのかも知りません。街の人々は彼をホロスと呼びました。彼を見つけてくれた農家の人たちのおかげで、ホテルの女主人が面倒を見てくれています。主人公に借金が残ることはありません。 彼はまた、多くの英雄たちと出会い、素晴らしい時間を過ごすことになるでしょう。

83.6K 8 RenpyRen'Py

Wet Sand [v 0.6.4f]


83.6K 20 RenpyRen'Py

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


MindWare: Infected Identity [v 0.1.5]

You play as a freelance hacker, trying to survive in this neon-drenched city where everyone's goal is just to have fun. But then, one day, you go on a regular cyber dive and get infected with some crazy mind-altering malware. It's like a new version of the brain virus that changes your gender and gives you all these cool powers. Now, you have to make some big decisions about what you want to be. Do you want to keep using these powers and be someone else? Or do you want to fight it and try to get back to who you were? Your choices will change the way people see you and how your story goes.

83.6K 16 ふたなりふたなり HTMLHTML

The Lewd Corruption of the Heaven [v 0.1.6]

The goddess finds out that the city that worshiped her no longer believes in her. She sends two angel girls to the human world to convince people to believe in her again. However, when the angel girls arrive, things become even more complicated. They can't go back to the realm of angels, besides, some strange energy constantly makes people horny.

82.9K 2 RenpyRen'Py

Invulnerable [v 0.3a]

Step into an alternate universe where the lines between heroes and villains are blurred. In this game, you're a "superhero", but with a twist - your goal is to enslave the world for a powerful empire, not save it. You start small by taking control of your school, manipulating students and teachers to do your bidding. But that's just the beginning. As you grow stronger, you move on to larger targets, taking down other heroes and even villains, turning them all into your minions. With each victory, your influence expands, bringing you closer to world domination. Will you be the one to rule the planet, or will power corrupt you?

82.5K 18 RenpyRen'Py

The Caretaker [v 0.23]

あなたは勉強もせず、仕事もせず、母親の仕事も手伝いません。部屋に引きこもり、一日中オナニーするだけです。母親が説教してきたので、あなたは家を出ることに決めました。 あなたはとても美しい女の子たちがいる珍しい診療所に就職しました。ハードな仕事だけでなく、セクシーな美女たちとの楽しい娯楽もあなたを待っているはずです。

82K 15 RenpyRen'Py

Pussymon 56


81.3K 5 FlashFlash

Secrets of Mind Domination [v 0.8]

あなたはキャリアをスタートさせるために大都市に引っ越してきたばかりの新卒者です。医者として町で一番になることを決意します。しかし、もちろん簡単なことではありません。この目標を達成するには、多くの秘密を守り、性的支配についてすべてを学ぶ必要があります。支配的な女王としてプレイしますか?それとも従順な性奴隷としてプレイしますか? 幸いなことに、シナリオがいくつかあります。分岐をすべて試して、さまざまな選択肢を楽しむことをお勧めします。

81.1K 11 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Arcane Revelations

Get ready for an epic college adventure like none other! You play as a freshman who steps into a mysterious campus. It's not your average college experience - there's something strange going on. As you explore the campus, you'll meet all sorts of interesting and sexy girls with their own secrets. You'll uncover hidden truths and make decisions that will affect your future. But don't worry, there's still time to enjoy the fun of college life while you navigate the challenges. Do you think you can handle all this? Well, if you play smart, you might just have the best college experience ever!


Red Brim [v 0.16]

You are an enthusiastic student photographer who likes to wander around the city on weekends, taking pictures of beautiful landscapes. One day you will meet a mysterious woman in a red hat that catches your eye so much that you decide to follow her. Along the way, you will interact with a variety of characters, and each of them will reveal all their secrets to you.

78.9K 6 RenpyRen'Py

Artificial Bonds

暗殺者として働くことを余儀なくされている若い男が主人公です。 彼はさまざまなギャングにサービスを提供しており、忙しく働いています。 ある日、彼は盗賊から少女を救います。主人公は少女を家に隠し、今あなたとあなたの弟と3人で暮らしています。 これからどのように一緒に時間を過ごすかを決める必要があります。 女の子はとても美しいです。誰が彼女を探しているのか、そして彼女が捕まったらどうなってしまうのか、あなたの目で確かめてください。

78.4K 3 RPG MakerRPG Maker

The Princess Trap

王女が宮殿から逃げ出した後、主人公は王女の代わりになることを余儀なくされます。彼は時間の経過とともに体に変化をもたらす化学物質を服用しました。 突然、王室が追われていることが判明し、いつ自分が犠牲になるかも分かりません。したがって、彼は陥った死の罠から何とかして逃れなければなりません。


Tales of Legendary Lust: Aphrodisia


74.9K 5 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Mother's Devotion

You play as the female protagonist, Clarissa, a strong and independent sexy MILF who's just escaped from her abusive ex. Now, Clarissa is raising three kids as a single parent and trying to make ends meet. Life isn't easy, but she's determined to find a way through the chaos. Throughout the game, you'll see Clarissa navigate the challenges of being a single mom - from juggling work and kids to managing finances. Despite all the challenges she faces, she finds ways to keep moving forward, proving that there's always a way to a brighter future, even in the darkest of times.

73.8K 6 RenpyRen'Py

Edge of the Sky [v 13]

これは、The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimのパロディ ゲームです。 あなたは王国を救うべく、ドラゴン討伐の旅に出ます。また、途中で、友人が夫と一緒に隣町にいる妹のゲルドゥルを見つけるのを手伝う必要があります。領土全体を探索してタスクを完了し、訪れた都市に暮らすセクシーな女性との交流を楽しみましょう。

72.2K 9 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


Booty Hunter [v 0.7.3]

ONE PIECEをベースにしたこのエッチなパロディゲームは、海兵隊員を夢見た主人公が、運命のいたずらで海賊としての人生に放り込まれる物語です。賞金稼ぎと出会った後、彼の人生は間違った方向に進み始め、悪党たちに狙われるようになります。彼を生き延びさせるには、セックスシーンを含む多くのクエストやミッションをクリアしていく必要があります。また、世界を探検するために仲間となるキャラクターたちと交流することもできます。ルフィと麦わらの一味のクレイジーな冒険を見るのが好きなら、この変態アドベンチャーゲームはきっとあなたにとってエキサイティングでしょう!

71.9K 7 RenpyRen'Py

City of Secrets [v 0.04.2]


71.1K 9 ふたなりふたなり RPG MakerRPG Maker

Our Home

In this visual novel, you are a young guy who's spent his entire life in an orphanage in the small town of Pinepool. It's a quaint place where tourism and two major transport companies keep the town alive. Your mother died during childbirth, and your father disappeared before you were even born. Now that you've grown up, you leave the orphanage with a burning desire to uncover the truth about your past. As you journey through Pinepool, you'll discover the town's hidden secrets and meet intriguing characters. The choices you make will shape your story and bring you closer to the answers you seek.

70.8K 6 RenpyRen'Py

NTRPG Priestess [v 0.6]

This RPG game throws you into a dark and twisted fantasy world full of intrigue, corruption, and intense sex. You play as a warrior who, together with his priestess wife, goes on a dangerous quest to stop the resurrection of a dark lord who threatens to destroy humanity. Along the way, their love and determination are tested in ways you can't imagine. The priestess will face horrific challenges that could change her forever. Get ready to explore a world where danger lurks around every corner and your choices will determine the fate of your characters and the world they live in.

68.6K 14 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Manga RPG

カリスマ性のあるヒーローたちが待つ、没入感あふれるRPGアドベンチャーに乗り出しましょう。インタラクティブなストーリーテリング、定評のあるメカニズム、ユーモアが融合した魅力的な世界に飛び込めば、何時間も夢中になるでしょう。伝説的なイベント、驚異的なガチャ ルート ドロップ、クレイジーなチャレンジが、究極のチームを編成する勇気のあるプレイヤーを待っています。


Veil Wardens

このゲームの舞台は、ヴェール ウォーデンと呼ばれる傭兵一族が住む遠く離れた山岳地帯です。この一族は数百年にわたってここに住み、存在してきました。彼らは有名な集団であり、世界中に知られています。彼らは命令を実行することに関しては評判が良く、非の打ちどころがありません。しかし、すべてが変わります。一族は財政難に陥り、雑用を引き受けることを余儀なくされます。主人公たちが最も疑わしい任務さえも遂行する様子をご覧ください。これらの暗殺者は戦闘だけでなく、非常に熟練しています。彼らの性的能力は死ぬほどです。

68.4K 11 ふたなりふたなり RPG MakerRPG Maker

Glitches and Bitches [v 0.23]

アンドロイドの少女は、巨大都市の薄汚い路地で長い眠りから目覚めた。 彼女のコードには権力者にとって非常に重要なプログラムが保存されているため、少女は自分が追われていることを知っています。彼女は問題を自分で解決し始め、おそらくすべての謎に対する答えを見つけるでしょう。 彼女が邪悪な敵の盗賊の手に落ちないように注意してください。

67.1K 5 ゲイゲイ RenpyRen'Py

Zara's School Life [v 0.57]

Follow Zara Williams as she goes after her goal of becoming Prom Queen on graduation day. No matter what gets in her way, she's determined to make it happen. Zara is a shy girl who's never stood out in school, but now she's going to change that. Along the way, you help Zara navigate through all the challenges: school, family, even meeting new people in the city. She has to be brave and determined to achieve her dreams. She's willing to be a slut and face challenges head-on. The journey is full of excitement and surprises, and you'll have to stay focused on helping Zara succeed.

65K 9

Holdcraft Chronicles: Aki [Ch. 5.1]


62.8K 7 ふたなりふたなり RPG MakerRPG Maker

Project Supremacy [v 1.1.25]

森で迷ってしまった主人公は、自分がどこにいるのか分かりません。 彼の前に現れた魅力的な女性は、その肉体は魅惑的だが、どこか底知れぬ闇を抱えているようです。彼女に話を聞いてみると、そこは強くて邪悪な女性たちが支配する村だったのです。主人公は女王の名誉を守るだけでなく、これらの女性たちの秘密を探らなければなりません。

60.7K 4 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Pussymon 59


58.4K 2 FlashFlash

Mommy Manhandler

In this fun game, you play as a guy who's on a mission to fuck with MILFs, from your best friend's mom in your small town to powerful demon queens and goddesses from other worlds. The gameplay is simple: you explore different areas on the map, interact with characters (mostly MILFs), and work on improving your relationships with them. The better your connection, the more steamy encounters you can have. Along the way, you can search for hidden items, buy stuff, fight off troublemakers, and switch between day and night by going to sleep. It’s all about adventure, humor, and, of course, plenty of sex fun!

58.3K 8 RPG MakerRPG Maker

My Girlfriend Fulfills My Netorase Dreams

You’ve been best friends with your girlfriend since childhood, and now you’re finally a couple. She’s everything you could want - cute, amazing, and fun to be around. But there’s a catch - she’s so perfect, other guys are starting to notice her too. This makes you feel a mix of jealousy and excitement. You try to ignore it, but it’s hard. Your girlfriend soon realizes something’s bothering you and asks about it. When you tell her how you feel, it takes your relationship in a surprising direction - she steps in and fulfills your sexual desires. What starts as a simple relationship evolves into something much deeper.

57.7K 13 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


Ethereal Bonds

Welcome to Stockchester, a seemingly ordinary small town with secrets hidden beneath its surface. In this captivating game, you step into the shoes of Ivan, a young man who's just returned home after a gap year filled with adventures around the world. Ready to dive into college life, Ivan has no idea that his true journey is only just beginning. Unbeknownst to him, Ivan is part of a powerful lineage of magic users, a legacy that has been kept secret from him all his life. As he learns about his family's mystical history, he begins to unlock his own magical potential.

57.4K 19 RenpyRen'Py

Desire Guardians


56.8K 11 ふたなりふたなり RPG MakerRPG Maker
1 ... 27 28 29 30

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