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セックス - 161 (並び替え: 人気数)

エロゲー, セックスゲーム

The Arson Betrayal [v 0.7.5]

これはアクション スリラージャンルのビジュアル ノベルです。両親に捨てられたあなたに残されたのは、アパートとわずかなお金だけでした。大学の学費を貯めるために、カフェで仕事をしなければなりません。しかし、偶然の出会いによって、嘘や裏切り、殺人が待ち受ける犯罪的な冒険にあなたは巻き込まれることになります。あなたが行うすべての選択が最後の選択になる可能性があるので注意してください。

56K 7 RenpyRen'Py


このゲームは、仮想現実が当たり前になった近未来を描いたゲームです。主人公は、事故により青年の体になってしまいました。 しかしそれだけではなく、二人の美少女と暮らすことになり、さらにはある種の不思議な力も持っていたのです。 彼はこの新たな生活にすぐに適応すると同時に、自分の立場を利用してセックスをする必要があります。

55.8K 15 RenpyRen'Py

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


The Judas Ghost [Ch.1 v 1.2.11]


55.6K 10 RenpyRen'Py

Evalia: The Lust Kingdom


55.1K 14 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

The Gilded Ladder

In this office-based visual novel, you play as a scientist who's just joined Gilded Cosmetics, a company specializing in cutting-edge beauty products. The office is a crazy place - full of chaos and weird situations that would make any HR department nervous. Your choices shape the story as you navigate this world of romance, office politics, and sex relationships. You can choose straight, gay, or transgender partners - it's all up to you. How you balance work and love depends on your decisions. Explore various paths and see where they lead. Dive into the world of Gilded and see where your journey takes you.

54.7K 4 ゲイゲイ RenpyRen'Py

Alternate Existence Season 2 [v 2.2.1]

両親についての記憶もなく、誰なのかも知らない若い男の物語の続きです。 彼は、何か恐ろしいことが起こり、長い間里親家庭で暮らしていました。彼は22歳になり、ついに自由に呼吸し、今後どのように生きていくかを決める機会を得ました。 ゲーム内のすべてはあなたの選択次第です。

54.6K 12 RenpyRen'Py

Futa Inn [v 0.0.3]


54.4K 6 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Lilith Descent

このゲームは、Journeyという名の魅力的な考古学者の女の子が主人公です。彼女は、長い間会っていない妹から手紙を受け取ります。何が起こっているのかを知るために妹のもとへ行き、Serferus Realmと呼ばれる奇妙な迷宮に迷い込んでしまいます。彼女の使命は、この場所を探索し、ダンジョン内のすべての悪魔を倒すことです。

54.4K 6 RPG MakerRPG Maker

Esoterika [v 0.2]

In this visual novel, you'll explore themes like corruption, NTR, interracial, femdom, and cheating. It's set in a modern world with a hint of medieval fantasy. The story centers around a farmer in his late 20s who lives alone in the countryside. After inheriting the farm from his father, he's lived a simple life since graduating from university. One night, the farmer discovers an unconscious girl in armor on his land. She introduces herself as Celes, a knight from another world, unfamiliar with this new reality and with nowhere to go. The farmer offers her shelter, and the two gradually form a deep emotional connection while living together.

53.9K 8 RenpyRen'Py

Terminus Reach: Sentinel

すべては遠い未来に起こります。 ゲームの主人公は、元雇われ殺し屋のギャレット。 彼は普通の人間が持っていない多くの経験と特別な能力を持っています。 それまでの功績によって彼は新しい役職に昇進し、センチネルステーションの将来を決定する責任のある仕事を担っています。プロットに沿って移動し、質問に答えてください。あなたの決断が重要であることをお忘れなく。

53.6K 13 RenpyRen'Py

Blossoming Journey

You play as a college student who moves away from home to a new town and things start to get wild. The story begins with you, lounging on the couch, scrolling through your phone at the end of summer break. You've been rejected by colleges and your self-confidence is shattered, but your mom and stepdad are there for you. You only have one more college app left and you're holding onto that last bit of hope. Then, you receive a letter from Emeraldglen College. Your heart pounds as you read the contents, scanning your mother's face for clues. The weight of weeks of anxiety lifts as a wave of joy washes over you. One word jumps out in bold, capital letters: ACCEPTED.


Fallen [v 0.045]

This game is about two characters who are going through a difficult period in their lives. They have something in common, because they both have sunk to the very bottom. Eventually their paths will cross, and you will have to decide how this will affect the people around them. Decide whether they will change their lifestyle or continue on the same old path.

53.3K 4 RenpyRen'Py

Max's Life Ch.3

マックスと彼のクレイジーな家族に関するゲームの3番目の部分をお楽しみください!あなたはお金持ちになり、親戚全員を豪華な家に招待しました。最後に、みんなで集まって楽しむことができます。 また、マップを見て移動して新しい女の子や冒険を探しましょう。ゲームのロードには時間がかかり、多くのビデオ ファイルが含まれているため、あまり早くクリックしないでください。

53.1K 3 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

The Power Of Truth

You play as a successful professor from Infinity College. On the surface, he’s got it all - success, charm, and respect. But deep down, there’s a void he can’t ignore: the mystery of his unknown origins. Raised by countless foster families, he’s desperate to uncover the truth about his biological parents, who didn’t just disappear - they were hidden. Get ready for an emotional roller coaster filled with action, wild fun, drugs, and sex as the professor dives deeper into his past. Can he break free from the secrets and find out who he really is? Join the adventure, solve the mystery, and help him unlock his true identity!

52.9K 4 RenpyRen'Py

World's Crossing Academy


52.9K 12 RenpyRen'Py

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (スポンサー)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


One Lie

このゲームは、愚かな間違いを犯したために友達の垣根を越えてしまった2 人の幼馴染み、ジュリーとマイクについての物語です。マイクは彼女に二度と会わないよう、別の街に引っ越すことにしました。 ジュリーは自分がすべてを変えられることを望んでおり、すべてが以前のようになることを期待して彼のところに行くことにしました。 マイクが彼女を許すかどうか、そして彼が彼女に対してどのような感情を抱いているかを調べてください。このゲームは非常にドラマチックなプロットを持ち、この二人の友人のお互いへの愛が非常に深いです。

52.8K 11 RenpyRen'Py

Love Unbound


52.8K 5 RenpyRen'Py

Expectations [v 0.48]

Your dad decided to get rid of you, so he sent you to another city for studies. Crazy, right? But you just have to deal with it. You will not have much money, since your father will pay only for the most necessary things. You're almost 19, and it's time to become independent. But when you get to the new place, something totally unexpected awaits you – a group of hot and red-haired beauties!

52.8K 16 RenpyRen'Py

Shards of Her [v 0.3.6]

この物語は、最愛の恋人を失った半神の物語です。彼女の死は彼の心を打ち砕き、誰も彼を再び幸せにすることはできませんでした。 突然、ヘメラは半神を訪ね、彼を地球に送り返します。主人公は、地球上で繰り広げられる人間と神々の間の戦争の震源地にいることに気づきます。 彼はまた、愛する人を捜し求める道中で、彼女の運命について何かを学ぶでしょう。

52.4K 13 RenpyRen'Py

The Beautiful Game


51.8K 5 RenpyRen'Py

The Lord of Time


51.8K 13 RenpyRen'Py

Lust Town, Amanda’s Road to Porn [v 0.5]

Amanda finds herself getting involved in an unusual reality TV show due to some circumstances. She arrives in a dying town filled with quirky characters and a paradise-like setting. Her mission is to turn this place into a top tourist destination. To succeed, Amanda must give her all, and, as expected, things start to get crazy. Her boring and dysfunctional marriage becomes a backdrop for all the events. The game follows Amanda's daily life, her social media activities, and the perspectives of her husband and friends. The main question of the game is: how far is Amanda willing to go to make the project successful?

51.4K 6 RenpyRen'Py

A Tale of One City

Be patient, this game takes a long time to load. In this game, you'll find yourself in a bustling coastal city filled with opportunities and adventures. As you play, you'll discover RPG elements that allow you to build up your stats and gain special perks, opening up even more possibilities for your journey. You play as a young guy who has just graduated from college and is going to start his job in the real world. But the city isn't just about work - there's tons of cool sex stuff to discover. Whether you focus on your career or just explore the city, your choices will change the story and lead to new opportunities.

51.2K 12 RenpyRen'Py

Lust Legion

Step into a crazy visual novel filled with beautifully hand-drawn graphics and animations, backed by a gripping story. In this game, you'll join the main character, an ordinary student, who suddenly finds himself in a terrifying situation with no clear explanation. One simple action turns his world upside down, making him the center of attention for many – and not all of them are friendly. As chaos unfolds around him, you'll guide him through dangerous and exciting adventures, making choices that affect the outcome. With limited information and high stakes, every decision counts. Can you uncover the truth and survive the storm?

51.2K 7 RenpyRen'Py

Paracosmic Reality [v 1.8.0]

You found a mysterious letter in your mail, from which you learned that you were inheriting a house. You have no idea who gave you such a gift or why, but this house will definitely change your whole life. Try to solve this mystery, and also enjoy a few cuties who will come with you.

51K 14 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py



50.8K 3 RenpyRen'Py

My Demonic Romance [v 0.15]

This game is about a nerd guy who studies in a college and works a shitty job to pay the bills. He is so lonely, that hell noticed it and sent him a personal demon girl with horns, a tail and an insane desire to fuck. The guy tries to protect his new companion in a completely new world for her, and also does not forget to fuck her at every opportunity.

50.6K 7 ふたなりふたなり RenpyRen'Py

Girls In Power 4: The Princess and the Maids

主人公のトーマスが楽園の島で魅力的な女の子たちに奉仕する物語の続きです。トーマスはこの新しい仕事に大満足で、メラニーも需要が高いので彼の進歩にとても満足しています。今パートでは、女の子たちは彼がカクテルの作り方を知っていればいいのにと思います。 それは多くの女性の心を溶かすでしょう。


Lust Goddess: The Game (スポンサー)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


No Such Luck

This is a story about a guy who left home after graduating from high school. He spent two whole years recovering alone. A lot has changed during this time, and now he is ready to join his college friends. Decide what kind of person he will be, will his life be filled with drugs and rock and roll, or will he suffer from what happened to him in the past?

50.3K 21 RenpyRen'Py

Vulgar Reverie [v 0.07]

You worked with your father in a coffee shop that was protected by the mafia. Through this connection, your future wife crossed your path. She frequently visited the coffee shop, flirting with you, and soon, you both fell in love. You convinced her to leave her old life behind and run away with you. As time passed, the idea of her being with other men began to intrigue you. This fantasy grew stronger, and eventually, you confessed your feelings to her. Now it's up to you - will you take charge of what happens next or let things play out on their own?

49.3K 11 RenpyRen'Py
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